Disney's BEAUTY AND THE BEAST first premiered at the glorious El Capitan Theatre in November 1991.

In October 2010, a red-carpet screening heralded the new Diamond Edition Blu-Ray and DVD.

The guests of honor were the voice talent behind Beauty and the Beast

Disney Legends Robby Benson and Paige O'Hara.

Escorted onstage by their character counterparts.

Both actors spoke a little in their character voices.

Robby demonstrated his thundering Beast voice, but not before displaying his truer kind side, by freeing the Beast character from some silver curtain strands that had caught in his horns. He recalled being in this same theatre for the movie's original premiere 19 years ago. Paige reminded the audience that this would be a Sing-Along, and encouraged everyone to join in, then announced a very special guest.

Composer Alan Menken, who performed a medley of his and Howard Ashman's Disney songs.

Then the picture began, accompanied by the lyrics, so the audience could sing along. And among those voices were two that were also coming from the screen. The few people lucky enough to be seated near Paige and Robby heard not only them, quietly joining some of their onscreen vocals, but their equally talented spouses, Michael Piontek and Karla DeVito, good-naturedly singing along. Karla and Paige also sang the female ensemble parts, while Michael's handsome voice made a very impressive Gaston. They sang at a very moderate volume, more likely to blend with the audience than stand out, but to those of us who could hear them, the experience was priceless.
The movie, of course, holds up very well. Interestingly, it was not the much heralded new 3D version, nor was it the expanded Special Edition released a few years ago, but this gorgeous digital presentation looked more bright, clear and color-rich than ever, perfectly framed by one of the best theatres in the world.
Following the movie there was a party across the street... the ballroom atop the Kodak Theatre, where the Academy Award parties are held...

Belle and her friends welcomed guests...

To a room with chandeliers and elegantly set tables reminiscent of the film.

Among the parting gifts was the new DVD, allowing guests to take home Belle and the Beast.

But two of the most honored guests actually took home the real Beast and Belle.

There is a true life love story behind this Disney fairy tale.
The voice of Bell has her own handsome and kind prince.
The voice of Beast has his own adorably engaging sweeheart.
Both of these people are also multitalented performers.
And you can read there story here soon.

Coming Soon
A Cinema Sightlines Exclusive
Images © 2010 Disney and TJ Edwards